Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Almost thru the "Ickies"

Well I am almost 10 weeks now and I am praying that I start to feel better around that 12 week mark. Let me start off by saying what an incredible husband I have! He has been so helpful and so understanding (big change from what I had the last 2 go arounds...) I can't imagine it has been very pleasant for him to have a wife who has just been sick for 2 months. Lets put it this way, we have had lots of pizza and spaghetti, and the house doesn't get cleaned as often as it used to, but we are all surviving! I can't wait to just feel like myself again. I am hopeful as we get closer to the 12 weeks, I feel like I do have more good days than bad so hopefully that means its nearing the end! Yesterday was one of those good days, Camden and I got to go spend the day with my mom! Now that we are living in Provo we don't see them as often as we used to so it is fun when we do get a chance. So yesterday we went shopping because grandma had to spoil the kids, and then we went out to lunch.

                                                                State Meet!!!
Last Saturday was my girls state meet. They all did so so good! I am so proud of them. I even had a coach from one of the other gyms come up to me and compliment me on how great all of my girls look. That made me feel really good that mine and Kaitlin's hard work with these girls is working and noticeable. Now that state is over I am really looking forward to getting back into the gym and working on new skills with these girls!

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