Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Fall festivities!


First day of school this year. I know it has been a few months but I figured this fell under the "Fall" category. Camden loves his preschool. He goes to Ms Rebecca at Patchwork Preschool, they do so many fun things everyday. He always comes home with a game that they have made that we play together. It is so fun to get my one on one time with my little buddy! I also love the fact that Ms Rebecca already has Camden reading! It is so fun to see him sit down with his reading folder and read all of the words they have learned. Mariah is in Mrs. Cummings 2nd grade class. Mariah doesn't love school quite as much as she did last year, but I think that has to do with the fact that she is getting older and it is more work and less play. She is such a little social butterfly. She has so many friends and she will be friends with anybody! She is so good about coming home and getting her homework done and reading for 20 mins. It amazes me how much she knows, when I check over her homework and she has done it all right without any help it makes me so proud of her. She is also mommy's little helper, she loves to help me with anything! (even cleaning bathrooms!) I am one lucky momma to have these 2 wonderful kiddos!

Halloween!! ok I seriously have been so bad, I didn't even take pictures of the kids on Halloween... don't judge. But I have been trying to find fun little craft ideas to do with the kids every week (lately its been every couple of weeks) I saw this idea at the craft store and thought the kids would like it, and they did! it is fun to see the creativity our little ones have! Mariah wanted to draw a picture of herself on her shirt and the #7 since she is 7 yrs old. Camden just liked the fact that he got to have paint all over his hands! For Halloween night, Mariah dressed up as Rapunzel, very fitting with her long blonde hair:) and Camden ended up as Bumble Bee from Transformers for his preschool, and then for trick or treating he was Iron Man! He has just about every super hero costume so it was nothing new for him to be dressed up for Halloween, he's dressed up everyday, in fact he is black spiderman at this very moment!

School Pictures! I love Mariah's picture this year, she look so mature. She is a beautiful little girl! I wasn't as happy with Camden's pictures, first of all the photographer didn't even have a stool for them to sit on and I think that it isn't as relaxed when they are standing, and he was giving his cheesy grin so his eyes are super closed. However it is very much "him" so I do like that about it! Such a handsome boy!
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fun at the park with Camden!!
I love that he only has school 3 days a week so that we still have time to play! (see what I mean, the kid is always dressed up!)

Crafty Crafty!
So I was called as a member of the activities committee in RS, so we had to plan crafts for super saturday... the one I decided to do was the magnet/chalk board. It was fun to do, I think it is pretty cute, but it cost $20+ dollars to make so that made it so no one wanted to sign up for it for super saturday. What a waste, oh well, at least its cute and I can use it. While I was doing that, I decided that I needed a monthly calendar, so I found this super cute frame at Michael's, and just drew the calendar on fabric, and use dry erase markers on the glass! I LOVE it!!! Next my bestie Carrie introduced me to "Pintrest" dun, dun, dun! Yes I spend way too much time looking at all of the cool things that are out there to do. So I whipped up these super easy fabric flowers (they are too big for a bracelet but I really like the flowers). Next we decided to start a monthly craft night with my group of high school friends. So we got together and made these super cute canvas paintings! It was perfect for my bathroom! I am done being crafty for the time being! Hahaha
PS ( I am still trying to figure out how to get all of these dang pictures in the place that i want them, ugh)

My little Missionaries!
I wish I had gotten pictures of this but I didn't. So for Mariah's red ribbon week at school they had a day that they were supposed to dress up as what they wanted to be when they grow up. She said, "I want to be a missionary!" So she wore a long dress and brought her BOM to school with her. When she got home she said, "Mom, I was the only one who dressed up as someone who is actually important!" Ah so cute! Then last Sunday we were getting ready for church and Camden got to wear his new church clothes that grandma bought him, complete with tie and handkerchief. We were saying how handsome he looked and he said "I look like a missionary!" He was so excited he said, "Mom, when I grow up I want to be all of the super heroes AND a missionary!" He wore those clothes all day long. Then yesterday he kept telling me that he needed to study the pictures in his book of Mormon, he would go through each one and tell me all about what was going on in the picture. Then he went and got his crayons and started underlining everything and said "Look Mom, it looks like yours and Dad's now!" It makes my heart so happy to see them and their excitement about the gospel at such a young age. Sometimes I am embarrassed to admit that I am learning right along side them, and that Mariah knows a lot more about the scripture stories than I do. She amazes me with her love of the gospel, she has such a sweet spirit!

Last but not Least.....
Here was my Halloween costume! Thats right, little baby Bateman is on its way! I have been feeling about as good as I look in this picture haha. We were both surprised at how quickly it happened. I started reading a lot about the timing required to get pregnant ( I am surprised that anyone actually gets pregnant since the egg only lives for 12 hrs) and one month later BAM pregnant! We are so excited!! Mariah can't even wait, she has been asking me since Devin and I were dating "can I have my baby sister now?" haha. While asking the kids what we should name the baby, we started joking that we were just going to call it Optimus Prime, Camden didn't like that idea and got all frustrated and said, "its MY baby brother, YOU don't get to make decisions about him!" So I am sure we are going to have lots of extra help from big brother and sister! And I will apologize in advance if my next month of post is full of complaining about feeling so sick!! 


  1. So exciting! Congrats congrats! And I love the calendar, that has been on my to-do list for awhile and I just need to get it done. So cute! Hope you have a smooth pregnancy--such a fun time!

  2. Yay SO exciting! Congrats! Woop woop! AND you have a blog! Wahoo! :)
